Perfection Learning has resources for all AP classes. Teachers can be confident that students receive the accessible content they need to succeed in AP courses and exams. Developed by leading experts, AMSCO® texts offer the right level of subject depth and text complexity, so teachers can be assured that students get the accessible content they need to successfully navigate the AP® course and exam. Choose from titles in social studies, mathematics, and English.
As a family-owned business founded by two educators, Perfection Learning knows both the challenges and the opportunities that today’s learning environment presents. For over 95 years, Perfection Learning has been committed to working side-by-side with educators to build the very best curriculum solutions for teachers and students.
Product Highlights
Advanced Placement United States History, 4th Edition (Grades 9-12)
Perfection Learning’s Advanced Placement United States History 4th Edition is structured and written to follow the current AP® Course and Exam Description. > Learn more
Advanced Placement®—Social Studies (Grades 9-12)
Organized by the most current CEDs, AP® texts by AMSCO® deliver streamlined content with just the right level of subject depth and text complexity. > Learn more
Advanced Placement®—English (Grades 10-12)
Engage your students with carefully-selected unit anchor texts that serve as models and offer opportunities for in-depth analysis. > Learn more